Couple of hundred dollars paid for the medical insurance can save you from a financial catastrophe. Medical insurance protects you from high cost of emergency medical care. A small slip and fall or even a flu could cost you thousands of dollars. Emergency departments in the hospitals charge thousands of dollars per day. Canadian residents who invite relatives or friends to Canada are responsible for their support. Hospitals and medical offices have legal right to collect unpaid bills from the person who sponsored a visitor in Canada. Without sufficient emergency medical insurance, you and your family would be responsible for these high costs, which can create a significant financial burden. Sometimes, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship may require you to purchase and maintain adequate medical insurance arrangements for the duration of your intended stay in Canada.
Medical Insurance is available for following persons (provided they meet other eligibility requirements too specified by the insurance company):
New immigrants who are awaiting coverage by government health insurance from a province or territory.
Policy is quickly created and confirmation is sent through email to the clients before they take off. Coverage must be purchased before the departure from the home country or preferably before reaching Canada. Coverage can be purchased after the arrival in Canada too but a “waiting period” will apply for sickness coverage. Any sickness that manifests itself during the waiting period is not covered even if related expenses are incurred after the waiting period. Injury coverage will start right way.
Coverage is available from $10,000 to $300,000 for emergency medical care if a person is hospitalized. Besides that, the same plan covers fever, flu, cough, etc. and offers benefits like payment for doctor fee, prescription drugs, diagnostic services, paramedical services, ambulance services, emergency dental treatment, expenses related to death, accidental death and dismemberment, expenses for meals and hotel, visit to bedside if travelling alone, childcare expenses, etc. Coverage for “stable” pre-existing condition is available for most of the age groups. Coverage for travel time to/from Canada and for side trips is provided by many insurance companies subject to certain conditions.
Various deductible options are available to lower the premium and to make it more affordable. You may save from 5% to 45% depending upon the amount of deductible and the insurance company. It is important to understand that deductible will be from each and every claim for most of the companies.
It is advised to read the policy/plan details of the insurance company thoroughly regarding the list of benefits, eligibility, limitations, exclusions and other terms & conditions. Insurance company must be informed as soon as possible of any emergency medical treatment or hospitalization. They are available 24/7. Failure to do so may result in decreasing your insurance benefits. All original bills and receipts are required to be sent to the insurance company along with the Claim Form to get the reimbursement. Sometimes hospitals and insurance companies tie up for direct billing but it varies by individual case to case.